Saturday, June 28, 2008

why we do VBS

This year I heard of a conversation between a mother and her kids about why our church does VBS. They were talking about all the time and money we pour into this week and is it worth it. This is what I think.

We spend 12 months planning and preparing for 7 and 1/2 hours of time spread out over 5 days. But why we do it was evidenced in the decision of 7 kids this week to follow Christ as their Savior. I'd do it for just one kid... actually I'd do it even if we didn't have one child make a decision during the week because I know they will have had Christ poured into them by at least 8 people and most of the time more than that during the week. As hard as this year was preparation wise the joy I got to experience as I listened to Kim rejoice over the 3 girls she personally lead to Christ and the beam on a moms face as she heard of her child's decision made it all worth it. Thank you to all you who supported our church in time and prayer.
You guys rock!

(Oh yeah and the conversation I got to hear about... they reached the same conclusion )

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